We are never tired of repeating that Takshashila's way of bringing about change is by connecting good people to good ideas to good networks. We've been doing the first two quite systematically but hitherto did the "good networks" bit in a many different, often ad hoc ways.
That changes today. OpenTakshashila, our new platform, brings together connections, learning, relationships, opportunities in one place. We've made it easier for you seek and offer help, explore opportunities, enhance your knowledge and participate in events.
One of our ambitions for the second decade of Takshashila is for you folks to lift each other up to greater heights. OpenTakshashila is merely the platform, but you are the agents of change.
Things you can do on OpenTakshashila:
We have launched OpenTakshashila which is our attempt to create & build a Global Community.
Open Course in Public Policy (OCPP): A free course to understand & transform governance in India. Every one of us has a strong opinion to offer about what governments should or shouldn't do. Yet, the basis of these opinions is often quite weak. This course will change it all. It's like "Civics" for adults, but far less preachy and way more interesting.
Coming Soon…: Our alumni [that’s You] can offer courses here.
Water Cooler: A cool place to hang out & share public policy ideas. Here’s an opportunity to learn something new everyday. Here’s a space to bring back nuanced & light-hearted conversations into the public space.
Interest-based Communities: Craving for meaningful & informed discussions on topics that interest you? Benefit from being a part of niche discussion groups that have a wide range of interests.
Our current Interest groups are: Technology & Policy, Economics & Public Policy and Defence & Foreign Affairs.
Bengaluru Node: OpenTakshashila community based in Bengaluru. Become part of a community that shares about the best the city has to offer. Get together for heritage walks, attend live talks & events in Bengaluru!
Call to Action: Invite your friends with similar interests, contrast opinions & quirky ideas to experience OpenTakshashila.
Have you been enjoying Sandesh, our newsletter? If you have any comments, brickbats, or suggestions feel free to write to me at sowmya@takshashila.org.in.
— Sowmya Prabhakar